We just launched a new firmware version for 123\SmartBMS gen3: v3.2.
What’s new
-Option to force the charge and/or discharge relay to stay off. This can be used if you are going to store the pack for a longer time without being able to charge. Also perfect for testing.
-Splitted Tmin into Tmin discharge and Tmin charge. Many battery chemistries can only charge when the temperature is above 0 degrees celcius, while they can be discharged below the freezing point. Now, you are able to set different values for them.
-More accurate SoC which now takes the self consumption of the BMS into account
Please update the mobile app first. Then open the app, go to Settings and connect with your 123\SmartBMS. Tap on the “UPDATE” button under Firmware Version to update the firmware to the latest version.