A new 123\SmartBMS gen3 firmware release version is available: v3.3.9.
Changes in v3.3.9:
-Fix “Charge/discharge stop delay set to 2 seconds” bug where a value of 2 seconds did not work properly.
For the complete list of new features in firmware v3.3, see this post.
All changes for v3.3
The firmware contains the following changes from v3.3.0:
Changes in v3.3.9
-Fix “Charge/discharge stop delay set to 2 seconds” bug where a value of 2 seconds did not work properly.
Changes in v3.3.8
-“Clear energy counters” now also resets the battery capacity measurements to “Pending measurement”.
Changes in v3.3.7
-Sync all key-value pair data in UART protocol to ensure transmitted multi-byte data cannot change during transmission.
Changes in v3.3.6
-Added new key-value pairs to UART protocol which contain extra info like SoH, charge cycles, firmware version etc.
Changes in v3.3.5
-Decreased temperature threshold hysteresis from 4 to 2 °C.
Changes in v3.3.4
-Fixed voltage based SoC correction bug
Changes in v3.3.3
-Added configurable “Sync SoC to full below charge rate %” setting
Changes in v3.3.2
-Fixed voltage based SoC correction bug
Changes in v3.3.1
-Added daily and total battery charged & discharged battery energy (kWh) counters